Your "There was Tomorrow..."

Here we will post all Your "There was Tomorrow..."
You can leave us your "There was Tomorrow.." dropping a notecard in the Future Trunk @ SLB8 "There was Tomorrow..." Installation  during the SLB8 Celebrations! 

Notecard example:
My "There was Tomorrow... " : (your Text)
Pic: (optional, if you choose to add a texture please set the pic fullperm) Title 
Name: (Avatar Full Name) 

For now we are happy to leave you our own "There was Tomorrow..." 

There was Tomorrow.... 

*SoliDea FoliEs* Loto _ 
Creation Ispired by 
"There was Tomorrow..." 
collaborative art installation by The Italian Taste 
for SLB8!

my hope*** SLB8

With my sisters of The Italian Taste I join the incredible adventure of SLB8.
Mark and Rod help us to realize our dream with an incredible installation. 
They both are so patient and nice with us :)

I'm so proud to be part of this very talented group of Italians designer.
My Hope for tomorrow is very close to my life in Second Life. 
I believe in humans, we are cruel and stupid sometimes but we are so beautiful and full of love people too. 
High Tech, Love, Consciousness, Sharing and always hope for the future.

This is the deep sense of my being in Second Life and in Real Life.
This is my Creation for SLB8!
Happy Birthday to all, lovely people of SL!
Mila Tatham 
*SoliDea FoliEs*


There was Tomorrow.... 

Wap Design _Dream_ 
Creation Ispired by 
"There was Tomorrow..." 
collaborative art installation by The Italian Taste 
for SLB8!

My idea at the beginning was simple: to create clothes and dresses and to express myself, using the tools offered by second life. Also i found the possibility to came in contact with so many different kind of peoples, cultures and realities, and each kind of them just one click away. Within time i found other people that had my same point of view, and we shared ideas, and we realized a dream. Our dream called italian taste. I'm prooud to work with so many talented and artistic minds, and i believe that in our creativity lies the strenght of our group, and of ourselves. We break the border of a world filled with too many rules, and we filled it with the colors of our creations. The dress i've decided to make represent an image of pure, innocent will to keep on dreaming and to fly away, more than just an angel. An union between fantasy, modern e technology.

Happy 8th Birthday Second Life!

Trilly Sands
Wap Design

There was Tomorrow.... 

AD Creations _ C'era domani 
Creation Ispired by 
"There was Tomorrow..." 
collaborative art installation by The Italian Taste 
for SLB8!

We are ugly ducklings, or and we never are alone, if not by choice.
Hovering in the sky or visit distant continents is affordable for everyone, give vent to their creativity, trasforming, winning the laws of physics.
We are all born equal. What really makes us different are our dreams.
There was tomorrow an avatar who had ideas, utopias in our world.
There was tomorrow an avatar who could see them realized.
The magic of Second Life is this: to go beyond the arrangements, to dare, to feel themselves.
The magic of Second Life are our dreams.

Aliza Karu
AD Creations


There was Tomorrow.... 

*Les Petits Details* _  Futura
Creation Ispired by 
"There was Tomorrow..." 
collaborative art installation by The Italian Taste 
for SLB8!

The magic of Second Life is for me the great opportunity that this world gives me to create, the opportunity to make my dreams real and to freely  express my ideal of beauty.
The magic of Second Life it's also the totally lack of limits, of geographic and cultral frontiers.
Every day is a new great adventure, every day SL makes my Real Life richer as well.
I'm proud and grateful to partecipate to SLB8, together with my stunning
group of great and beautiful collegues who make my SL and RL every day better!

Nevery Lorakeet
*Les Petits Details*
2011-06-20 23:04:42

My "There was Tomorrow... ":
Partiamo dal presupposto che l'adesso è già passato, il domani diventa la nuova meta, che di per se parte da ora e continua all'infinito. Processo irreversibile (o forse no?), il tempo apre nuovi scenari, e ci spinge sempre oltre. Il tempo è secondo me la metafora della fantasia, con il suo passare arricchisce e prende nuova forma. Processo dinamico, come dinamica è la nostra mente, per natura. Noi siamo il nostro domani, domani che però è già stato nel nostro passato. La tecnologia diventa dunque strumento di creazione senza limiti fisici del possibile che, partendo dal ricordo si fa vortice verso l'ignoto. Come sarà l'ignoto? forse solo quello che è stato il nostro passato, forse una frontiera totalmente nuova. La tecnologia diventa quindi una componente stessa della fantasia, e rende verosimile scenari inimmaginabili. Qui sul second, e un po' first word tutto è possibile. Niente barriere, niente vincoli, solo sè stessi. E l'infinito. E' naturale che non ci siano barriere. Ed è questo il bello. 

Name: Funny Ghost

2011-06-20 23:31:00:00

Ciao a tutti i ragazzi e ragazze di The Italian Taste...
Il posto è stupendo...lavoro meraviglioso... un applausone agli architetti .... clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap... 
Il mio C'era Domani ???? 
bè oltre lo stordimento per le ore piccole causate dalla festa?? 
Il mio domani sarà con nuovi amici, al fianco della mia meravigliosa famiglia .. anche un pò matterella aggiungerei ... riaggiungerei ... e meno male che lo è.... in mezzo a tante nuove creazioni, divertimento e tanto tanto amore.
Auguro a tutti di incontrare nella vita delle persone speciali come voi...
Vi voglio bene a tutti ...
Godetevi la festa ... vivete il presente ... e domani ???? ......... Tutti a fare gli zombie per alzarsi lol ...
Un bacione .... 
Nemesi Seerose  (AngelsDemons Family)
